
NM Wild’s 3rd season of Community Science on the River

By Becca Neal – NM Wild’s Community Science Coordinator

April 15th was the first release of the season for the Wild and Scenic section of the Rio Chama, also marking the beginning of NM Wild’s 3rd season of community science on the river! We need recreational boaters’ help collecting bug and water samples at their camp each night.

This data will be used to better understand the river’s water quality and inform future management of this beautiful river. Look for Becca, NM Wild’s new Community Science Coordinator (bug person) on Fridays at Cooper’s El Vado Ranch to pick up a collection kit before taking off on your trip, and she’ll meet you at Big Eddy Take-Out on Sunday to retrieve your samples. Join us in supporting healthy stewardship of the Rio Chama for future generations!

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