
BLM Defers Oil and Gas Leases Near Carlsbad Caverns

New Mexico Wild has been actively involved in the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) upcoming June 2024 oil and gas lease auction in the Permian Basin, advocating for the protection of sensitive landscapes and wilderness-quality lands. In December 2023, we submitted comments on the draft EA for Q2 2024 Competitive Oil and Gas Lease Sale on lands managed by the BLM Pecos District Office proposed by the New Mexico State Office of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). In our comments, we highlighted the need to defer parcels within Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACECs), proposed or nominated ACECs (where BLM hasn’t yet decided whether to designate the ACEC), and lands with wilderness characteristics.

In a significant victory for conservation, the BLM has announced the deferral of 3,152 acres of public land from the June oil and gas lease auction. The parcels, located near Carlsbad Caverns National Park and the Chosa Draw area, contain karst formations crucial for water quality and cave ecosystems. New Mexico Wild applauds this decision and emphasizes the need for thorough vulnerability mapping and a balanced approach to energy development. We remain dedicated to advocating for the responsible management of public lands and the conservation of ecologically vital and wilderness-quality areas within the Permian Basin. Read New Mexico Wild’s full comments here.
