
New Mexico Wild Protests Río Grande del Norte Monument Plan

New Mexico Wild, along with American Rivers, The Wilderness Society, Conservation Lands Foundation, Amigos Bravos, and Sierra Club, has filed a formal protest regarding the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) proposed Resource Management Plan Amendment for the Río Grande del Norte National Monument. Our protest addresses four key concerns:

Rights-of-Way Corridors

  • Objects to BLM’s proposal to designate 183 acres of new and expanded utility corridors
  • Highlights potential impacts to the Río Grande gorge viewshed and Wild & Scenic River values
  • Notes lack of specific project proposals to evaluate impacts

Protection of Wilderness-Quality Lands

  • Challenges BLM’s failure to protect all lands identified with wilderness characteristics in their 2017 inventory
  • Calls for management that maintains wilderness values across qualifying areas
  • Emphasizes importance for wildlife habitat and ecosystem connectivity

Cerro de la Olla Protection

  • Protests BLM’s decision to protect only 5,120 acres instead of the full 12,236 acres identified with wilderness characteristics
  • Notes congressional support for broader protection through pending wilderness legislation

Technical Correction

  • Requests correction of language regarding wilderness characteristics management standards

Our protest aims to ensure stronger protections for the Monument’s exceptional wilderness, wildlife, and scenic resources while upholding the requirements of the Monument proclamation and Wild & Scenic Rivers Act.

Read the full protest here.
