
New Mexico Wild Celebrates Supreme Court’s Rejection of Utah Public Lands Challenge

New Mexico Wild today celebrated the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to reject Utah’s challenge to federal ownership of public lands, protecting over 210 million acres of public lands across the Western United States that belong to all Americans.

“Public lands are as American as apple pie, and today’s Supreme Court decision slams the door on this latest and deeply cynical attempt to steal them from the American people,” said Mark Allison, Executive Director of New Mexico Wild. “New Mexicans know that our natural and cultural heritage are inextricably linked, and we overwhelmingly support keeping public lands in public hands. We expect that the state of Utah will continue to pursue attempts at this unprecedented land grab, though this ruling ensures that for now, our treasured public lands will remain a birthright for all Americans, not just the highest bidder.”

In the case, the State of Utah sought to bypass the lower federal courts and asked the highest court to consider a radical but frivolous argument that the Constitution requires the federal government to transfer public lands to the state or private ownership. If successful, tens of millions of acres of public lands could have been privatized and opened up to development and exploitation of resources. The court’s decision ensures continued public access for recreation, wildlife habitat protection, grazing, and traditional practices.

This victory is significant for New Mexico counties like Luna, where recent attempts to support this lawsuit threatened local public access and the outdoor recreation economy. New Mexico Wild remains committed to protecting public lands across the state and ensuring these special places remain accessible to all New Mexicans.
