From 10:00 am until 1:00 pm
At Mogollon Box Day Use Area
The Old-Growth Forest Network and New Mexico Wild invite the community for an interpretive 4-mile round-trip hike to explore the Mogollon Box Day Use Area. The community hike has been planned in conjunction with the Centennial Celebration for the Gila Wilderness Area and also commemorates the induction of the nearby Gila Wilderness Area into the national Old-Growth Forest Network as the 250th forest and first in New Mexico!
Attendees will park and gather at the Mogollon Box Day Use Area on Box Canyon Rd (293), Cliff, NM 88028, approximately 45 minutes from Silver City. Carpooling is recommended from Silver City, meeting at 301 W. College Ave, parking along the back of the building and along the side streets. The carpool will gather at 9am.
The hike will end at approximately 1pm and attendees can expect to arrive back in Silver City by 2pm.
The community hike will be led by New Mexico Wild and will showcase the confluence of Mogollon Creek and the Gila River and two distinct sycamore and cottonwood bosque communities. Participants should bring water and pack a lunch and expect a roughly 4-mile round-trip hike with minor river crossing (please wear well-draining shoes and wool socks). Attendees should register through Eventbrite by Friday May 31st. The hike will be limited to 25 participants.