At Silver City, New Mexico and virtual
Join us for an exciting series of events celebrating the centennial of America's first wilderness, the Gila Wilderness. From May 29th to May 31st, we will host a variety of engaging panels, talks, and exhibitions in Silver City that explore the diverse connections between people and the land, the history and future of wilderness management, and the role of wilderness in our lives.
May 29th
Pursuit in Wilderness
A diverse panel explores the timeless connection between hunters and the land; what role wilderness plays in sustaining that relationship.
When: May 29, 6-8 p.m.
Where: Cobre High School Performing Arts Center
May 30th
Wilderness Photography Talk & Photo Display
Photographers talk about their extensive experience in the Gila Wilderness and the photographs that capture these moments.
When:May 30, 6:30-8 p.m.
Where: Silco Theater
May 31st
Wilderness Seeking Definitions
A diverse panel seeks to define what Wilderness is, catalogue its formation, and explore varying perspectives on who it serves and leaves out.
When: May 31, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Where: Silco Theater
A Century of Wilderness
We explore the foundations of Wilderness, how it spread across the world, and understand the shape of modern Wilderness management.
When: May 31, 1-3 p.m.
Where: Silco Theater
Speaker Series: Land Stewardship Across Cultures
This panel seeks to explore what lessons we can learn from other stewards' best practices.
When: May 31, 6-8 p.m.
Where: Grant County Convention Center
Not able to attend in person? You can view a livecast of these events, brought to you by the Aldo Leopold Foundation, by registering here!