Journey Down the Gila Panel Discussion


A panel discussion on the film "Journey Down the Gila" and efforts to permanently protect the Gila River

From 5:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.

Register to gain access to a screening of the film “Journey Down the Gila.” Once registered, the screening will be available from Saturday, June 26 through Wednesday, June 30. We will send the link to those who have registered on the morning of June 26.
Then on Wednesday, June 30 at 5:30 p.m. MT a panel of community members and conservation experts will discuss the film and ongoing efforts to protect the Gila River and its tributaries through a Wild and Scenic designation.
“Journey Down the Gila” is a film exploring grief, renewal and hope along the Gila River in New Mexico. This documentary tells the story of three New Mexico teens who died in service to the wild places they loved, their mothers’ journey down the wild river they sought to protect, and the struggle to keep the Gila free forever. The film also culminates with a trip the three mothers made to Washington D.C. to advocate for federal legislation to protect the Gila River as Wild and Scenic. This feature-length, 90-minute film is directed by Albuquerque filmmaker David Garcia.