Let's install wilderness portal signs on the boundary of the Manzano Mountain wilderness!
From 9:00 am until 5:00 pm
At Manzano Mountain Wilderness
We are conducting a quick, 1-day sign installation project, heading to various locations around the Manzano Mountain wilderness. This will help to keep the public informed about where the Wilderness area begins and ends along the major trails. It'll be a great day!
The Plan
We will meet at the John F. Kennedy Campground at 8:00 am to distribute tools and talk about safety. We will then split into two groups, each installing a portal sign near the John F. Kennedy campground. We'll then meet back at JFK campground and do some treadwork on a section of trail near the campground, sending one group ahead to install another portal sign where that trail meets the boundary. After that work is done, we will drive to the east side of the Manzanos and install 2 more signs.
Important note: Depending on the number of signups, we may need a volunteer to help transport the team to the east side. As such, please contact Will (will@nmwild.org) if your car is a 4/AWD vehicle with ~8in of ground clearance and you are willing to help out.
Make sure to bring plenty of water (3L should be fine), snacks/lunch, sunscreen, a raincoat, and closed-toe shoes.
Difficulty of Project: Easy
Number of Days: 1 Day