
New Mexico's waterways are at risk.

Protection Campaigns

Water Priorities

New Mexico Wild’s water work is centered on three guiding principles: equitable and collaborative water management, river and habitat protection, and water availability for all uses, including native and imperiled species and recreation. Through these lenses, we work to protect the waterways of the Land of Enchantment and work to ensure equitable access for the plants, wildlife, and human communities that depend on them. Learn more about our Rivers & Waters Campaign here.

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Rivers & Waters
Action Center


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Sackett v. EPA catapulted clean water protections back fifty years.

"It's critical that we now work at the state and local levels to protect our state’s waters to build climate resiliency and sustainable and equitable water systems that ensure access to clean, safe water for communities across New Mexico." –Tricia Snyder, Senior Water Policy Analyst

New Mexico Wild is dedicated to safeguarding the invaluable water resources of the Land of Enchantment, a mission that encompasses not only the well-being of our diverse plant and wildlife but also the livelihoods of the communities dependent on these crucial waterways. Through our commitment, collaborative initiatives, and strategic advocacy, we are actively shaping a future where water resources remain sustainable and accessible for all in our state. Our efforts aim to confront pressing environmental challenges while effectively addressing the ever-increasing impacts of climate change.

Wilderness Protection Campaign

Protect Greater Chaco

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The Pandemic and Our Work

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Impact for our Efforts

Despite the current political challenges, we’re proud of the legislative and regulatory victories that have been achieved.

See the Legislation
